Allergens of permanent hair dyes induces epidermal damage, skin barrier loss and IL-1 α increase.


eMediNexus    12 January 2018

A new article published in Food and Chemical Toxicology reported that allergic and irritant skin reactions caused by topical exposure to permanent hair dyes are a common problem. The article elaborated that permanent hair dyes are formed by a mixture of ingredients that vary from low to extreme skin sensitizing potency that inter-react to form unknown by-products. This article illustrated a trial wherein p-phenylenediamine (PPD), resorcinol (RES), H2O2 were topically exposed to RhE, alone or as a mixture. Subsequently, parameters related to skin irritation such as epidermal viability, keratinocytes damage, barrier loss and interleukin (IL)-1 α were evaluated. The results showed that ingredients tested alone did not lead to an increase of cytotoxic parameters related to skin irritation. On the contrary, when the mixture of PPD/H2O2/RES and PPD/H2O2 was applied to the RhE, some of the parameters such as morphological changes, including the presence of apoptotic cells, barrier loss and increased IL- 1 α release were noted. The results indicated that the mixture of ingredients used in permanent hair dyes have an irritant effect in RhE, whereas the ingredients alone do not.1


  1. Zanoni T, Pedrosa T, Catarino C et al. Allergens of permanent hair dyes induces epidermal damage, skin barrier loss and IL-1 α increase in epidermal in vitro model. Food and Chemical Toxicology. 2017. doi:10.1016/j.fct.2017.12.033.

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